May 2004 Archives by date
Starting: Sat May 1 11:03:26 CEST 2004
Ending: Mon May 31 22:37:28 CEST 2004
Messages: 560
- [PD] shell
guenter geiger
- [PD] Re: PD-list digest, Vol 1 #1154 - 15 msgs
Patricia Albajar
- [PD] Paradiddle- passing symbols, not numbers
Andreas Niemand
- [PD] cyclone for OS X?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: PD-list digest, Vol 1 #1154 - 15 msgs
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] problems with PdVst
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] 'coll' object problem
Owen Cartwright
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] 'coll' object problem
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] 'coll' object problem
- [PD] "click" messages on GUI objects?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] "click" messages on GUI objects?
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] WAV format
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Separating variables sent to PD via TCP Socket
Nick Giles
- [PD] Separating variables sent to PD via TCP Socket
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Discovered Objects! (Cool things I found this weekend!)
Matthew Allen
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
derek holzer
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] PiDiP rec~
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Quicktime 6.5 a NO!NO! with gem and Windows XP
acabrera at
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Separating variables sent to PD via TCP Socket
Eric Skogen
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
derek holzer
- [PD] multislider with structs
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] multislider with structs
- [PD] pd manual for russian users
- [PD] multislider with structs
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] pidip + linux [again!]
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: py/pyext and dyn~
Thomas Grill
- [PD] More pdp blues
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] More pdp blues
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] quantize~ for messages?
- [PD] iemlib2: stripfilename segfaults
derek holzer
- [PD] quantize~ for messages?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] multislider with structs
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] quantize~ for messages?
- [PD] quantize~ for messages?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
derek holzer
- [PD] More pdp blues
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] message unite
timon botez
- [PD] "click" messages on GUI objects?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] message unite
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] multislider with structs
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] multislider with structs
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] More pdp blues
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] "click" messages on GUI objects?
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] asio4all
nexyufuli evo
- [PD] multislider with structs
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
navz at
- [PD] readanysf~ for windows ?
Vincent Rioux
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6.4
navz at
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
navz at
- [PD] message unite
zmoelnig at
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
derek holzer
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
guenter geiger
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] drummachines
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] More pdp blues
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] More pdp blues
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] multislider with structs
Eric Skogen
- [PD] readanysf~ for windows ?
- [PD] strange plugin~ behavior
- [PD] readanysf~ for windows ?
Thomas Fredericks
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] sending midi notes as a string
Gary Newby
- [PD] sending midi notes as a string
- [PD] readanysf~ for windows ?
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
guenter geiger
- [PD] "click" messages on GUI objects?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] sending midi notes as a string
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] message unite
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] "click" messages on GUI objects?
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] 'coll' object problem
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] More pdp blues
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
guenter geiger
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
guenter geiger
- [PD] drummachines
- [PD] xnetreceive
Jorge Cardoso
- [PD] Re: MBox with PD under OSX!
Mitchell Turner
- [PD] anyone successfully building PD themselves on windows?
Josh Steiner
- [PD] xnetreceive
Martin Peach
- [PD] xnetreceive
Martin Peach
- [PD] anyone successfully building PD themselves on windows?
Josh Steiner
- [PD] xnetreceive
Martin Peach
- [PD] xnetreceive
Pall Thayer
- [PD] anyone successfully building PD themselves on windows?
Lex Ein
- [PD] xnetreceive
Pall Thayer
- [PD] anyone successfully building PD themselves on windows?
Josh Steiner
- [PD] Re: flext/mingw
Thomas Grill
- [PD] xnetreceive
Thomas Grill
- [PD] [OT] -> [-empyre-] (n) formative states
- [PD] xnetreceive
Pall Thayer
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
derek holzer
- [PD] xnetreceive
Thomas Grill
- [PD] HDSP CPU usage in PD
derek holzer
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6 [hdsp direct alsa support]
derek holzer
- [PD] xnetreceive
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] xnetreceive OSX binary
Pall Thayer
- [PD] sync keyboard arpeggiator to pd...
Steve Ritchey
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] xsample 0.3.0 - extended sample objects
Thomas Grill
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
derek holzer
- [PD] PD-DAY at CODED CULTURES?; vienna 16. - 30.may
matthias tarasiewicz
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
derek holzer
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] drummachines
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] relative pathnames/ stripping paths
derek holzer
- [PD] drummachines
- [PD] xnetreceive
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] xnetreceive
Jorge Cardoso
- [PD] pd installation paper
matthew shanley
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
derek holzer
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
derek holzer
- [PD] xeq - problem
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] most stable processing?
florian grassl
- [PD] how to [pack] anything?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] xeq - problem
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] how to [pack] anything?
Josh Steiner
- [PD] how to [pack] anything?
Matthew Allen
- [PD] More pdp blues
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] More pdp blues
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Karl heinz essl
brandt at
- [PD] Karl heinz essl
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] PD-DAY at CODED CULTURES?; vienna 16. - 30.may
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] xnetreceive
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Karl heinz essl
- [PD] Karl heinz essl
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] More pdp blues
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Karl heinz essl
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Karl heinz essl
- [PD] PD-DAY at CODED CULTURES?; vienna 16. - 30.may
matthias tarasiewicz
- [PD] how to [pack] anything?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] how to [pack] anything?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] (no subject)
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] pidip pdp osx problems (help me)
joseph moore
- [PD] pidip pdp osx problems (help me)
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] [gem] hard freeze in root
- [PD] (no subject)
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6 [hdsp direct alsa support]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6 [hdsp direct alsa support]
guenter geiger
- [PD] xeq - problem
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] is there also a [symbol2list]?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] is there also a [symbol2list]?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] GEM OS X : Window not draggable ...
- [PD] GEM OS X : Window not draggable ...
- [PD] heavy crash
martin pichlmair
- [PD] msgfile read & write path
nexyufuli evo
- [PD] xnetreceive
Jorge Cardoso
- [PD] Impure Data
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Josh Steiner
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Josh Steiner
- [PD] pd -rt and linux 2.6 [hdsp direct alsa support]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] heavy crash
marius schebella
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] GEM OS X : Window not draggable ...
joseph moore
- [PD] freeverb~ problem
- [PD] loading soundfiles on the fly
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Random counter
timon botez
- [PD] Random counter
- [PD] Random counter
- [PD] GEM OS X : Window not draggable ...
James Tittle II
- [PD] Random counter
- [PD] heavy crash
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] no-doppler delay
julien.breval at
- [PD] freeverb~ problem
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] no-doppler delay
steven pickles
- [PD] heavy crash
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] no-doppler delay
julien.breval at
- [PD] Random counter
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Simulus at Glitch May 22(Melbourne, Australia)
Tim Kreger
- [PD] heavy crash
martin pichlmair
- [PD] GEM OS X : Window not draggable ...
- [PD] .pdrc not executed
Max Neupert
- [PD] VRML and Pure Data
Max Neupert
- [PD] [OT] eprom programmer for linux?
gml at
- [PD] ..llo
simi at
- [PD] ...sorry
simi at
- [PD] ...sorry
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] !can`t MAKE
Matthew Allen
- [PD] !can`t MAKE
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] !can`t MAKE
- [PD] Crashes
- [PD] Crashes
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] !can`t MAKE
- [PD] Re: flext installation
Thomas Grill
- [PD] heavy crash
rat at
- [PD] heavy crash
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] heavy crash
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] passing variables to an abstraction
Al Riley
- [PD] passing variables to an abstraction
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] soundfiler mono and stereo files
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
- [PD] Grapic Function
Michel Panouillot
- [PD] permission denied
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Matthew Laughlin
- [PD] permission denied
Martin Peach
- [PD] soundfiler mono and stereo files
Eric Skogen
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Olaf Matthes
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] surround sound
Hugh McCarthy
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Olaf Matthes
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Thomas Grill
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Matthew Laughlin
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Miller Puckette
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Miller Puckette
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Matthew Laughlin
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Miller Puckette
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Matthew Laughlin
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
- [PD] GEM OpenGL HW acceleration?
Mikael Konttinen
- [PD] newbee (libraries)
odiv .
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Larry Troxler
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Larry Troxler
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Miller Puckette
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] newbee (libraries)
Max Neupert
- [PD] Wav player
Michel Panouillot
- [PD] Wav player
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] apt-get puredata no gui available
- [PD] Wav player
Vincent Rioux
- [PD] re: newbee(libraries)
odiv .
- [PD] error message
Oded Ben-Tal
- [PD] error message
- [PD] error message
Oded Ben-Tal
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
- [PD] error message
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] More live shows... and an icon
- [PD] Another possibility to gain access to usr/local/pd in OS X
Max Neupert
- [PD] lapsed ?
Eric Skogen
- [PD] lapsed ?
Christian Klippel
- [PD] lapsed ?
Eric Skogen
- [PD] lapsed ?
Christian Klippel
- [PD] gui soldout?
olsn wolf
- [PD] lapsed ?
Eric Skogen
- [PD] Another possibility to gain access to usr/local/pd in OS X
Nick Mariette
- [PD] pdp_v4l VIDIOCMCAPTURE: Bad file descriptor
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Nick Mariette
- [PD] lapsed ?
Lex Ein
- [PD] lapsed ?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] gui soldout?
- [PD] Setting the sample rate
Al Riley
- [PD] Setting the sample rate
Al Riley
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Miller Puckette
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] ICC compile [or: PD + P4 + Linux = massive headache!]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Setting the sample rate
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] gui soldout?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] surround sound
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] gui soldout?
guenter geiger
- [PD] apt-get puredata no gui available
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] passing variables to an abstraction
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Setting the sample rate
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Larry Troxler
- [PD] apt-get puredata no gui available
- [PD] Live, Jack and PD.
timon botez
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Miller Puckette
- [PD] FTGL problems - compiling
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
guenter geiger
- [PD] writesf~ and Windows
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] apt-get puredata no gui available
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] error message
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] pdp_qt freezes pd
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Ben Saylor
- [PD] pdp_qt freezes pd
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pdp_qt freezes pd
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] dyn~ question
z at
- [PD] dyn~ question
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] dyn~ question
Thomas Grill
- [PD] pyext & threads
- [PD] dyn~ question
z at
- [PD] error message
guenter geiger
- [PD] pdp_qt freezes pd
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] apt-get puredata no gui available
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] pdp_qt freezes pd
Tom Schouten
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Tom Schouten
- [PD] GRID and compiling issues
yasmin ahmad
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Tom Schouten
- [pd] Gem install Linux?
Bradon Webb
- [pd] audio glitch?
Bradon Webb
- [pd] externals on linux?
Bradon Webb
- [PD] GRID and compiling issues
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Josh Steiner
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Frank Barknecht
- [pd] Gem install Linux?
derek holzer
- [PD] [vcf~] and [biquad~] filters
julien.breval at
- [PD] dyn~ question
Thomas Grill
- [pd] externals on linux? [also: audio glitch?]
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Tom Schouten
- [pd] externals on linux?
Matthew Allen
- [PD] [vcf~] and [biquad~] filters
Dan Neveu
- [PD] [vcf~] and [biquad~] filters
julien.breval at
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Tom Schouten
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] mole - a forth for pd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [vcf~] and [biquad~] filters
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] osc + mac
joseph moore
- [PD] stutter~ ??
- [PD] loopool on
derek holzer
- [PD] osc + mac
cyrille henry
- [PD] GRID and compiling issues
yasmin ahmad
- [PD] [vcf~] and [biquad~] filters
julien.breval at
- [PD] Setting the sample rate
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] loopool on
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] digidesign osx core audio driver
Ian Stevenson
- [PD] loopool on [plone problems!]
derek holzer
- [PD] stutter~ ??
derek holzer
- [PD] GRID and compiling issues
Thomas Grill
- [PD] strange plugin~ behavior
juto aviten
- [PD] VRML and Pure Data
juto aviten
- [PD] loopool on [plone problems!]
derek holzer
- [PD] Sample rate problem
Al Riley
- [PD] VRML and Pure Data
Max Neupert
- [PD] loopool on [plone problems!]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Sample rate problem
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] [vcf~] and [biquad~] filters
julien.breval at
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Martin Peach
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Larry Troxler
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
- [PD] loopool on [plone problems!]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
Al Riley
- [PD] smallest possible value of a delay-time
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
Johannes Taelman
- [PD] loopool on [plone problems!]
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] IEMlibs now part of pd-externals
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] streaming audio on OS X
joseph moore
- [PD] VRML and Pure Data
- [PD] stutter~ ??
kvas at
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] some comments on installing pdp on osx
martin pichlmair
- [PD] streaming audio on OS X
- [PD] pdp compilation problem
plessas at
- [PD] OSC make or make OSC same error:
nomeparece at
- [PD] some comments on installing pdp on osx
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] pdp compilation problem
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
julien.breval at
- [PD] stutter~ ??
julien.breval at
- [PD] Using the qwerty keyboard in PD>
Luke Yelavich
- [PD] OSC make or make OSC same error:
Martin Peach
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
Martin Peach
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
matthew jones
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] stutter~ ??
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Fuzzy input level........?
chun lee
- [PD] Using the qwerty keyboard in PD>
- [PD] fiddle~ post processing
marc bohlen
- [PD] Fuzzy input level........?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] OSC make or make OSC
Matthew Allen
- [PD] OSC make or make OSC
nomeparece at
- [PD] Fuzzy input level........?
chun lee
- [PD] Fuzzy input level........?
guenter geiger
- [PD] IEMlibs now part of pd-externals
guenter geiger
- [PD] Fuzzy input level........?
chun lee
- [PD] stutter~ ??
Eric Skogen
- [PD] IEMlibs now part of pd-externals
Josh Steiner
- [PD] OSC make or make OSC
Martin Peach
- [PD] JRoar/PDjimmies
joseph moore
- [PD] IEMlibs now part of pd-externals
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] OSC make or make OSC same error:
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
julien.breval at
- [PD] stutter~ ??
julien.breval at
- [PD] stutter~ ??
eric skogen
- [PD] stutter~ ??
eric skogen
- [PD] stutter~ ??
eric skogen
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
Larry Troxler
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
julien.breval at
- [PD] Popular IDE for developing Pd external in Linux?........
chun lee
- [PD] MIDI for OS-X
Carlos Caires
- [PD] Popular IDE for developing Pd external in Linux?........
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Popular IDE for developing Pd external in Linux?........
- [PD] GRID and compiling issues
yasmin ahmad
- [PD] GRID and compiling issues
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
guenter geiger
- [PD] Anti-aliasing filter
John Hopkins
- [PD] computational load for PD hosting
- [PD] grantabr~ anybody?
Norbert Math
- [PD] computational load for PD hosting
Christian Klippel
- [PD] -nogui: how to quit pd correctly?
Roman Haefeli
- Listening to the Mind Listening (was Re: [PD] Anti-aliasing filter)
- [PD] -nogui: how to quit pd correctly?
- [PD] ATS release (atsread external)
Alex Norman
- [PD] ATS release (atsread external)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] buffer override
pd at
- [PD] buffer override
derek holzer
- [PD] qwerty keyboard
David NG McCallum
- [PD] changing the coding (character set)
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Re: [PD-dev] Re: Price request for
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
julien.breval at
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
- [PD] ATS release (atsread external)
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
derek holzer
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
julien.breval at
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
julien.breval at
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
- [PD] Help with special object(s)
- [PD] Help with special object(s)
Miller Puckette
- [PD] delay with feedback and clipping
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Help with special object(s)
- [PD] v_abstraction?
Carlos Caires
- [PD] Basic Gem install Win95
- [PD] error: soundfiler_read: truncated to 4000000 elements
chun lee
- [PD] p(i)d(i)p compilation problem
plessas at
- [PD] Help with special object(s)
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] p(i)d(i)p compilation problem
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] p(i)d(i)p compilation problem
plessas at
- [PD] p(i)d(i)p compilation problem
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] p(i)d(i)p compilation problem
plessas at
- [PD] bad screen distance
Larry Troxler
- [PD] p(i)d(i)p compilation problem
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] ATS release (atsread external)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] compiling shoutcast~ on OSX
joseph moore
- [PD] error: soundfiler_read: truncated to 4000000 elements
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
Pall Thayer
- [PD] FATAL: can't create!!!!
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
Pall Thayer
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
Pall Thayer
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
guenter geiger
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
Pall Thayer
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
guenter geiger
- [PD] PD compile error on Fedora 2
Pall Thayer
- [PD] Re: bad screen distance
Larry Troxler
- [PD] compiling shoutcast~ on OSX
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Re: bad screen distance
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Re: bad screen distance
Larry Troxler
- [PD] FATAL: can't create!!!!
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] FATAL: can't create!!!!
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Michal Seta
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Michal Seta
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] FATAL: can't create!!!!
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
marius schebella
- [PD] FATAL: can't create!!!!
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Mirko Petrovich
- [PD] Gem in Mandrake 9.1
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Michal Seta
- [PD] Dynamically setting array bounds
Michal Seta
- [PD] formant~
- [PD] formant~
Josh Steiner
- [PD] Gem in Mandrake 9.1
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] recording MIDI data
Al Riley
- [PD] recording MIDI data
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] formant~
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Crash Bug discovered this weekend.
Matthew Allen
- [PD] recording MIDI data
Matthew Allen
- [PD] Crash Bug discovered this weekend.
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] recording MIDI data
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] unauthorized updates for windows
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] unauthorized updates for windows
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] unauthorized updates for windows
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] unauthorized updates for windows
Eran Sachs - Hazira
- [PD] Using Compare with pix_video
Ivan Franco
- [PD] (no subject)
- [PD] Using Compare with pix_video
zmoelnig at
- [PD] Using Compare with pix_video
Ivan Franco
- [PD] Using Compare with pix_video
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] (no subject)
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Using Compare with pix_video
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] audio I/0 stuck
odiv .
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] unauthorized updates for windows
- [PD] Game controllers input
martin dupras
- [PD] Pd networking solutions?..........
chun lee
- [PD] Pd networking solutions?..........
derek holzer
- [PD] Game controllers input
derek holzer
- [PD] Pd networking solutions?..........
chun lee
- [PD] [grid] change corsor pos with send obj
nexyufuli evo
- [PD] Gem in Mandrake 9.1
juto aviten
- [PD] Gem in Mandrake 9.1
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] Pd networking solutions?..........
Max Neupert
- [PD] pd / Gem seems to work fine under OSX 10.3.4
Max Neupert
- [PD] Pd networking solutions?..........
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Game controllers input
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Abstract for ACM Multimedia submission
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd networking solutions?..........
chun lee
- [PD] pdp pidip and gem died sudenly
- [PD] Interpolating continuous controllers
Al Riley
- [PD] Interpolating continuous controllers
derek holzer
- [PD] Interpolating continuous controllers
Andrew (Andy) W. Schmeder
- [PD] sm-lib
Florian Hollerweger
- [PD] pdp pidip and gem died sudenly
Tom Schouten
- [PD] Abstract for ACM Multimedia submission
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Interpolating continuous controllers
- [PD] pdp pidip and gem died sudenly
- [PD] emi2/6-asio
- [PD] emi2/6-asio
- [PD] emi2/6-asio
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] Game controllers input
- [PD] quick question about GRID
yasmin ahmad
- [PD] quick question about GRID
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] libquicktime -rt issues
Tom Schouten
- [PD] pdp pidip and gem died sudenly
Tom Schouten
- [PD] quick question about GRID
yasmin ahmad
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Game controllers input
- [PD] inlet numbering
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] wvvw crash
David NG McCallum
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer, further adventures
David NG McCallum
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer, further adventures
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer, some ideas
derek holzer
- [PD] weighted random [WAS: sm-lib]
derek holzer
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer, further adventures
Tom Schouten
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer, some ideas
Tom Schouten
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] wvvw - wave viewer, some ideas
derek holzer
- [PD] Abstract for ACM Multimedia submission
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
- [PD] numberbox bug?
Lex Ein
- [PD] numberbox bug?
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] loading soundfiles on the fly
- [PD] Abstract for ACM Multimedia submission
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] numberbox bug?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Abstract for ACM Multimedia submission
chris clepper
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
- [PD] Abstract for ACM Multimedia submission
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] loading soundfiles on the fly
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] (Off-topic) Mac OS X + Built-in audio + MIDI
Jorge Cardoso
- [PD] inlet numbering
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
- [PD] memory locking (was: Re: [PD-announce] loading soundfiles on the fly)
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Interpolating continuous controllers
Martin Peach
- [PD] inlet numbering
Martin Peach
- [PD] inlet numbering
Josh Steiner
- [PD] inlet numbering
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
'Frank Barknecht'
- [PD] change sendsymbols dynamically
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] report: pd meeting @ lac2
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Re: Interpolating continuous controllers
Alex Norman
- [PD] inlet numbering
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: [PD-dev] report: pd meeting @ lac2
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Last message date:
Mon May 31 22:37:28 CEST 2004
Archived on: Mon Jun 7 12:25:19 CEST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).