February 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Feb 1 00:28:34 CET 2008
Ending: Fri Feb 29 23:14:49 CET 2008
Messages: 671
- [PD] PD console
marius schebella
- [PD] "Structured" dataflow?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] paranoid pd
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PD console
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] good ol' font size test for 0.41
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] paranoid pd
marius schebella
- [PD] paranoid pd
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] paranoid pd
marius schebella
- [PD] pd using jack DIO errors but no xruns
Alexandre Ficagna
- [PD] [PD-dev] SQLite for PD v0.0
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] "Structured" dataflow?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] "Structured" Data Flow?
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] Font rendering quite CPU expensive in GEM (Jerome Tuncer)
Jerome Tuncer
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] about fiddle~
Steffen Juul
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Andy Farnell
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
hard off
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
marius schebella
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Andy Farnell
- [PD] ldelay
marius schebella
- [PD] Fwd: any tips on fart synthesis?
Vircy Parker
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
- [PD] speed
marius schebella
- [PD] ldelay
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] speed
cyrille henry
- [PD] [comb~] help please
raul diaz
- [PD] Fwd: any tips on fart synthesis?
hard off
- [PD] this is crazy
errordeveloper at gmail.com
- [PD] streaming theora
- [PD] Alpha release of Controctopus and Semento (MIDI to OSC system)
Luke Iannini (pd)
- [PD] speed
marius schebella
- [PD] speed
cyrille henry
- [PD] speed
marius schebella
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] speed
chris clepper
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
padawan12 at obiwannabe.co.uk
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Dafydd Hughes
- [PD] ostavte mena v pokoe
Геннадий Романчев
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Luke Iannini (pd)
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Thomas Jeppesen
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] fftease for macosx universal?
punchik punchik
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pure data Workshop with Derek Holzer and Frank Barknecht 2.-6.4.2008 in Halle, Germany Pd-Workshop with Derek Holzer and Frank Barknecht in Halle(Saale)/Germany Academy of Fine Arts and Design Burg Giebichenstein in conjunction with Werkleitz Association will organize a Pure Data Workshop from the 2nd to the 6th of April 2008 First half of the Workshop will be held by Derek Holzer in English, sthe second part will be held in German by Frank Barknecht. Details in german: Pure Data – visuelles Programmieren für Künstler Dozenten Frank Barknecht (Medienkünstler, Musiker und Autor, Köln) Derek Holzer (Medienkünstler, Berlin) Inhalt Ursprünglich für die Komposition elektronischer Musik gedacht, ist Pure Data zu einem Werkzeug geworden, mit dem sich unterschiedlichste mediale Projekte verwirklichen lassen - von interaktiven Installationen bis zu audiovisuellen Performances. Pure Data folgt der Logik des Verkabelns und ist eine gerade bei KünstlerInnen beliebte Programmierumgebung. Die visuelle, datenstromorientierte Struktur erlaubt es, auch ohne Informatik-Kenntnisse komplexe Programme zu entwickeln. Pure Data ist das quelloffene und freie Pendant zur kommerziell vertriebenen Software MAX/MSP. Der Workshop findet in Kooperation mit dem Fachgebiet Medienkunst der Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule für Kunst und Design im sogenannten Gärtnerhaus, Seebener Str. 2 statt. Termine Einführung: 70 EUR, ermäßigt: 50 EUR Fortgeschrittene: 80 EUR, ermäßigt: 60 EUR beide Kurse zusammen 120 EUR, ermäßigt: 90 EUR Anzahl der TeilnehmerInnen 5 (+ 15 StudentInnen der Hochschule) Kosten (für nicht an der Hochschule Burg Giebichenstein immatrikulierte): kompletter kurs: 120 EUR, ermäßigt: 90 EUR http://werkleitz.de/html_de/w_medienkunst_pure_data.html http://www.puredata.org
Max Neupert
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] ogg/theora in Gem
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] donecanvasdialog documentation? - for M. Puckette
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] multiple audio device
Marko Timlin
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] multiple audio device
Ypatios Grigoriadis
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
marius schebella
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
marius schebella
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
marius schebella
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
marius schebella
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] this is crazy
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Fwd: any tips on fart synthesis?
Andy Farnell
- [PD] optional argument in abstraction
marius schebella
- [PD] LPN_folderglider Tot question.
- [PD] optional argument in abstraction
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] New on ubuntu: where to go now
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] optional argument in abstraction
marius schebella
- [PD] A Call for works / Appel d’oeuvres - Canadian 60x60
Eldad Tsabary
- [PD] multiple audio device
simon wise
- [PD] New on ubuntu: where to go now
- [PD] multiple audio device
simon wise
- [PD] New on ubuntu: where to go now
Yvan Vander Sanden
- [PD] New on ubuntu: where to go now
Yvan Vander Sanden
- [PD] fftease for macosx universal?
Si Mills
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools (was: sound for blender apricot opensource game)
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] optional argument in abstraction
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] overall horrible performance in OS X
- [PD] overall horrible performance in OS X
chris clepper
- [PD] >~ signal greater than
marius schebella
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Andy Farnell
- [PD] overall horrible performance in OS X
brandon zeeb
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
- [PD] >~ signal greater than
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
Ed Kelly
- [PD] New on ubuntu: where to go now
- [PD] pd thunder
marius schebella
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
Miller Puckette
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
- [PD] overall horrible performance in OS X
hard off
- [PD] pd thunder
hard off
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] overall horrible performance in OS X
Si Mills
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Olivier Heinry
- [PD] Filtering Midi Active Sensing
Frans Haarman
- [PD] pd thunder
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Ypatios Grigoriadis
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Phil Stone
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
hard off
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Trying to figure out why video in Gem is running soooo slow
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
- [PD] atan2 in expr
Timon Botez
- [PD] send a message to [pd $0-subpatch] ?
- [PD] send a message to [pd $0-subpatch] ?
hard off
- [PD] Filtering Midi Active Sensing
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] send a message to [pd $0-subpatch] ?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] send a message to [pd $0-subpatch] ?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] send a message to [pd $0-subpatch] ?
hard off
- [PD] pd thunder
Peter Plessas
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
- [PD] hover info
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
Ed Kelly
- [PD] ngrid....?
bryan eubanks
- [PD] pd thunder
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] Trying to figure out why video in Gem is running soooo slow
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [OT] New machine - sound hardware?
"jörg brinkmann"
- [PD] pd thunder
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Trying to figure out why video in Gem is running soooo slow
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
Andy Farnell
- [PD] pd thunder
Martin Peach
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
- [PD] pd thunder
Chris McCormick
- [PD] pd thunder
Andy Farnell
- [PD] playing long audio files
ruben patiño
- [PD] playing long audio files
hard off
- [PD] playing long audio files
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] [PD-dev] DesireData
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Filtering Midi Active Sensing
simon wise
- [PD] playing long audio files
simon wise
- [PD] (no subject)
brandt at subnet.at
- [PD] edit prefs without Pd
Steffen Juul
- [PD] edit prefs without Pd
Steffen Juul
- [PD] (no subject)
- [PD] [PD-dev] DesireData
David Plans Casal
- [PD] Filtering Midi Active Sensing
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] pdlua + luagl for OSX extended build 0.40.3
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
Andy Farnell
- [PD] smoothing control signals
matthew venn
- [PD] good ol' font size test for 0.41
Miller Puckette
- [PD] pdlua + luagl for OSX extended build 0.40.3
marius schebella
- [PD] any tips on fart synthesis?
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Foreground / Background handling dynamically
jean-martin barbut
- [PD] lua questions
marius schebella
- [PD] ngrid....?
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Foreground / Background handling dynamically
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] phidget externals
melissa hunt
- [PD] phidget externals
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] overall horrible performance in OS X
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
errordeveloper at gmail.com
- [PD] Another bug in [pool]?
Luke Iannini (pd)
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
Steffen Juul
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
hard off
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
- [PD] pitchshifter object?
punchik punchik
- [PD] cpu consumption
punchik punchik
- [PD] cpu consumption
simon wise
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] microphone feedback canceling
- [PD] pitchshifter object?
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] pitchshifter object?
Patrice Colet
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] smoothing control signals
Derek Holzer
- [PD] smoothing control signals
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] microphone feedback canceling
Derek Holzer
- [PD] smoothing control signals
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] pitchshifter object?
hard off
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] smoothing control signals
cyrille henry
- [PD] pd becomes unresponsive but does not eat cpu
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] pd becomes unresponsive but does not eat cpu
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] searchpath inside patch
Achim Bornhoeft
- [PD] pd becomes unresponsive but does not eat cpu
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Andy Farnell
- [PD] can't see objects, Pd-0.40.3-extended-windowsxp-i386.exe
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] pd becomes unresponsive but does not eat cpu
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] lost messages with netsend
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] lost messages with netsend
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] searchpath inside patch
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] searchpath inside patch
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] lua questions
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
- [PD] smoothing control signals
B. Bogart
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] smoothing control signals
Michal Seta
- [PD] good ol' font size test for 0.41
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
marius schebella
- [PD] hover info
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-dev] SQLite for PD v0.0
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
- [PD] table feedback tutorial
Max Neupert
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
Martin Peach
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
marius schebella
- [PD] sound device positions change after reboot > Pd uses wrong soundcard
- [PD] [PD-dev] SQLite for PD v0.0
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] no focus for gemwin on os x 10.5
marius schebella
- [PD] gemmouse wish
marius schebella
- [PD] pd-extended box colors semi transparent
marius schebella
- [PD] can't see objects, Pd-0.40.3-extended-windowsxp-i386.exe
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pd-extended box colors semi transparent
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-dev] SQLite for PD v0.0
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] smoothing control signals
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] searchpath inside patch
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
marius schebella
- [PD] kraftpad/ddr_pad patch
Noah Walcutt
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] kraftpad/ddr_pad patch
- [PD] pd becomes unresponsive but does not eat cpu
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] gemmouse wish
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] sound for blender apricot opensource game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Derek Holzer
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Bryan Jurish
- [PD] fixes in 0.41?
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] 0.40.1 look (fonts) in 0.41? Is it possible
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] smoothing control signals
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] 0.40.1 look (fonts) in 0.41? Is it possible
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] fixes in 0.41?
Steffen Juul
- [PD] smoothing control signals
matthew venn
- [PD] sound device positions change after reboot > Pd uses wrong soundcard
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] 0.40.1 look (fonts) in 0.41? Is it possible
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] soundfiler alternative - realtime? (loading in background)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] 0.40.1 look (fonts) in 0.41? Is it possible
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
Martin Peach
- [PD] gemmouse wish
marius schebella
- [PD] fixes in 0.41?
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
marius schebella
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Miller Puckette
- [PD] microphone feedback canceling
kristof lauwers
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
marius schebella
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
- [PD] Call for performers 7th March Hudds UK
Scott Hewitt
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
Martin Peach
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Martin Peach
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
marius schebella
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] measurement of spectral richness
punchik punchik
- [PD] [PD-dev] DesireData
David Plans Casal
- [PD] "open with" on os x
marius schebella
- [PD] pitchshifter object?
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] select device for pix_video on Os x
- [PD] "open with" on os x
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] "open with" on os x
marius schebella
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
marius schebella
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] libdir_loader pd-extended
marius schebella
- [PD] select device for pix_video on Os x
chris clepper
- [PD] [PD-dev] how to authenticate commits in SVN?
Miller Puckette
- [PD] sound device positions change after reboot > Pd uses wrong soundcard
Peter Plessas
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-1 (bug fix for Mac OSX 10.5.1)
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Chris McCormick
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Steve Arnett
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] Letter -> Number
David F. Place
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
marius schebella
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
chris clepper
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] measurement of spectral richness
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] Letter -> Number
marius schebella
- [PD] "open with" on os x
Steffen Juul
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Letter -> Number
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] [PD-dev] DesireData
David Plans Casal
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Letter -> Number
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
marius schebella
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Jaime Oliver
- [PD] Phasor Driven Midi File Playback?
simon wise
- [PD] fixes in 0.41?
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] select device for pix_video on Os x
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Olivier Heinry
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-1 (bug fix for Mac OSX 10.5.1)
David Plans Casal
- [PD] Letter -> Number
David F. Place
- [PD] measurement of spectral richness
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Derek Holzer
- [PD] Letter -> Number
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
David Plans Casal
- [PD] [key] vs symbolatom [Was: Re: Letter -> Number]
David F. Place
- [PD] "open with" on os x
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Pablo Martin
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
chris clepper
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Pablo Martin
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Miller Puckette
- [PD] Letter -> Number
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] "open with" on os x
marius schebella
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
marius schebella
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] "open with" on os x
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] libdir_loader pd-extended
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
cyrille henry
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Letter -> Number
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [key] vs symbolatom [Was: Re: Letter -> Number]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] audio prefs messaging?
potax flan
- [PD] "open with" on os x
marius schebella
- [PD] audio prefs messaging?
marius schebella
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Chris McCormick
- [PD] [PD-announce] cozinhaberta (openkitchen) no uol
palmieri, ricardo
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] audio prefs messaging?
Steffen Juul
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [PD-dev] SQLite for PD v0.0
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
jeremaja niko
- [PD] Trinity audio group multitrack recorder
Mika Ristimäki
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] bang.pdf?
Javier Garcia
- [PD] gop array in abstraction appears outside abstraction boundaries
- [PD] "Invalid public movie atom", was Re: Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] "Invalid public movie atom", was Re: Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
chris clepper
- [PD] audio sample labeling... (onset, fundamental freq)
Rich E
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Andy Farnell
- [PD] audio sample labeling... (onset, fundamental freq)
- [PD] Comments on pd as a library to be used in game
Andy Farnell
- [PD] bang.pdf?
Steffen Juul
- [PD] bang.pdf?
zmoelnig at iem.at
- [PD] Writing file to folder on OSX
Si Mills
- [PD] Writing file to folder on OSX
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Writing file to folder on OSX
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] Midifile Object
- [PD] qlist sequencing
Andy Farnell
- [PD] "Invalid public movie atom", was Re: Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] qlist sequencing
Andy Farnell
- [PD] "open with" on os x
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] where is comport?
eva sjuve
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Malte Steiner
- [PD] [PD-dev] SQLite for PD v0.0
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] Trinity audio group multitrack recorder
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Midifile Object
Martin Peach
- [PD] where is comport?
Martin Peach
- [PD] where is comport?
eva sjuve
- [PD] where is comport?
eva sjuve
- [PD] *.lua => *.pd_lua or *.l_lua?
marius schebella
- [PD] [OT] FOSS audio tools
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
marius schebella
- [PD] newbie questions(ableton)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] where is comport?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Aide Auditive Concert au LAC 2008 Cologne
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] writesf produces incorrect header (pd-0.41.0)
errordeveloper at gmail.com
- [PD] Midifile Object
Uğur Güney
- [PD] "Invalid public movie atom", was Re: Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Olivier Heinry
- [PD] where is comport?
eva sjuve
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
David Plans Casal
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
David Plans Casal
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
brandon zeeb
- [PD] writesf produces incorrect header (pd-0.41.0)
Miller Puckette
- [PD] audio sample labeling... (onset, fundamental freq)
Rich E
- [PD] audio sample labeling... (onset, fundamental freq)
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
David Plans Casal
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
David Plans Casal
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
Steffen Juul
- [PD] Pd Fontsizes
Peter Plessas
- [PD] Pd Fontsizes
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Pd Fontsizes
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Pd Fontsizes
Peter Plessas
- [PD] Pd Fontsizes
Ricardo Dueñas Parada
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
- [PD] [ANN] Lily, browser based visual programming language released
Bill Orcutt
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-2 released
Miller Puckette
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Joe Newlin
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-2 released
marius schebella
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to install multiple externals?
bryan eubanks
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Andy Farnell
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Joe Newlin
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to install multiple externals?
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Joe Newlin
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [output] some old Pd+GridFlow videos
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] [output] some old Pd+GridFlow videos
jeremaja niko
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to
bryan eubanks
- [PD] Pd 0.41-2 released
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] "Invalid public movie atom", was Re: Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
bigswift at cox.net
- [PD] interface wishlist
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] interface wishlist
marius schebella
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to install multiple externals?
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] interface wishlist
Steffen Juul
- [PD] interface wishlist
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] autobuilds using svn
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] is this a bug?
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win
Vadim Smahtin
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to install multiple externals?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] interface wishlist
Max Neupert
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-2 released
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] jack_transport improvements
Jacob Lee
- [PD] pd, windows & ubuntu
Joe Newlin
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
Sergi Lario
- [PD] what libraries are included in 0.39-3? and how to
simon wise
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
- [PD] Send startup flag on osx
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] Send startup flag on osx
marius schebella
- [PD] changing polyrhythms with delaylines
punchik punchik
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
simon wise
- [PD] [output] some old Pd+GridFlow videos
Kevin McCoy
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
- [PD] nqpoly4 mystery
Andy Farnell
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
simon wise
- [PD] nqpoly4 mystery
Phil Stone
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
- [PD] changing polyrhythms with delaylines
- [PD] [PD-announce] LICA-MANTIS Joint Festival 2008 /28 February - 1 March, UK
Ricardo Climent
- [PD] nqpoly4 mystery
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] is this a bug?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] zexy help (asked zexy but it crashes PD)
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] zexy help (asked zexy but it crashes PD)
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] Midifile Object
Martin Peach
- [PD] jack_transport improvements
Andy Farnell
- [PD] zexy help (asked zexy but it crashes PD)
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pd303
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
simon wise
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
chris clepper
- [PD] pd/gem per-pixel image manipulation
Martin Leopold Grödl
- [PD] jack_transport improvements
Jacob Lee
- [PD] pd303
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
Matteo Sisti Sette
- [PD] pd303
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] jack_transport improvements
Andy Farnell
- [PD] gigaplay
David Schaffer
- [PD] pd/gem per-pixel image manipulation
marius schebella
- [PD] s pd-$0subpatch
marius schebella
- [PD] s pd-$0subpatch
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] gigaplay
Peter Plessas
- [PD] s pd-$0subpatch
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] s pd-$0subpatch
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
simon wise
- [PD] [PD-announce] Release of a new product: BluePD
Dinne Bosman
- [PD] [PD-announce] Release of a new product: BluePD
Andy Farnell
- [PD] [PD-announce] Release of a new product: BluePD
Ricardo Brazileiro
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
Olivier Heinry
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pd/gem as vj mixer at win (Vadim Smahtin)
Olivier Heinry
- [PD] GLSL example trouble in pd extended (ati Radeon 9600 hardware and win os)
Vadim Smahtin
- [PD] pso for macosx universal?
punchik punchik
- [PD] pd/gem per-pixel image manipulation
Martin Leopold Grödl
- [PD] pd/gem per-pixel image manipulation
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] GLSL example trouble in pd extended (ati Radeon 9600 hardware and win os)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] detecting file error in readsf~
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-2 released
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
Miller Puckette
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Dynamic Object Connections through OSC
Jonny Martyr
- [PD] pd/gem per-pixel image manipulation
Martin Leopold Grödl
- [PD] Dynamic Object Connections through OSC
marius schebella
- [PD] [GEM] model UV texture map
- [PD] gem2pdp-help patch doesnt work for me
Javier Garcia
- [PD] Dynamic Object Connections through OSC
Enrique Erne
- [PD] the behaviour of [list length] has changed!!
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pd 0.41-2 released
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PDMTL | gems.multicrop | analyse
ths otra
- [PD] Avian syrinx revisited
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Avian syrinx revisited
James Baker
- [PD] notes, arrays, and sigmund
Julian Villegas
- [PD] GLSL example trouble in pd extended (ati Radeon 9600 hardware and win os)
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Pd Fontsizes
Peter Plessas
- [PD] GLSL example trouble in pd extended (ati Radeon 9600 hardware and win os)
Vadim Smahtin
- [PD] notes, arrays, and sigmund
mami music
- [PD] More Music with Pd
Luke Iannini (pd)
- [PD] More Music with Pd
Phil Stone
- [PD] More Music with Pd
Matthew Logan
- [PD] Avian syrinx revisited
Mike McGonagle
- [PD] pd music (+ nonpd video ;)
jeremaja niko
- [PD] notes, arrays, and sigmund (mami music)
Julian Villegas
- [PD] gem2pdp-help patch doesnt work for me
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] interface wishlist
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [gem-cvs] crashes xorg/ati..
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Dafydd Hughes
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
- [PD] Toggle Audio Computation in Subpatch
Thomas Mayer
- [PD] Toggle Audio Computation in Subpatch
Derek Holzer
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
marius schebella
- [PD] Midifile Object
- [PD] Midifile Object
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pd-extended autobuilds on pd gutsy (WAS: Re: pd-extended install gutsy ubuntu libquicktime0 libflac7)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pure data (netpd) and max/msp Jitter on youTube by mpc2059
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
- [PD] [PD-announce] Pure data (netpd) and max/msp Jitter on youTube by mpc2059
yves degoyon
- [PD] [gem-cvs] crashes xorg/ati..
B. Bogart
- [PD] Fwd: using PD to access URL based images and video
Joseph Barrows
- [PD] Fwd: using PD to access URL based images and video
marius schebella
- [PD] [gem-cvs] crashes xorg/ati..
- [PD] Fwd: using PD to access URL based images and video
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pd-extended autobuilds on pd gutsy (WAS: Re: pd-extended install gutsy ubuntu libquicktime0 libflac7)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] GLSL (Gem) examples
Vadim Smahtin
- [PD] GLSL (Gem) examples
marius schebella
- [PD] usb based dmx (and pd)
potax flan
- [PD] usb based dmx (and pd)
potax flan
- [PD] usb based dmx (and pd)
simon wise
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] load abbreviated objects
marius schebella
- [PD] GLSL (Gem) examples
Vadim Smahtin
- [PD] Fwd: using PD to access URL based images and video
zmoelnig at iem.at
- [PD] GLSL (Gem) examples
Steffen Juul
- [PD] load abbreviated objects
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] pd-extended autobuilds on pd gutsy (WAS: Re: pd-extended install gutsy ubuntu libquicktime0 libflac7)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] load abbreviated objects
- [PD] Hide GEM window with a subpatch window
- [PD] [PD-dev] building pd with cygwin
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-dev] building pd with cygwin
Patrice Colet
- [PD] [PD-dev] building pd with cygwin
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Hide GEM window with a subpatch window
- [PD] Hide GEM window with a subpatch window
chris clepper
- [PD] [PD-dev] building pd with cygwin
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Fwd: using PD to access URL based images and video
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [PD-dev] building pd with cygwin
Patrice Colet
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Dafydd Hughes
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Brandon Zeeb
- [PD] can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071230-windowsxp-i386.exe
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080221-macosx104-i386.dmg
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pdcon brasil
- [PD] can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071230-windowsxp-i386.exe
Martin Peach
- [PD] can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071230-windowsxp-i386.exe
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
Damian Stewart
- [PD] floor() in exp
matteo sisti sette
- [PD] floor() in exp
Claude Heiland-Allen
- [PD] floor() in exp
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
simon wise
- [PD] can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071230-windowsxp-i386.exe
Martin Peach
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
marius schebella
- [PD] Fw: [music-dsp] Matlab Tools and other useful stuff
Andy Farnell
- [PD] floor() in exp
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] can't see objects Pd-0.40.3-extended-20071230-windowsxp-i386.exe
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
B. Bogart
- [PD] Fw: [music-dsp] Matlab Tools and other useful stuff
B. Bogart
- [PD] pdcon brasil
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
enrique franco
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
- [PD] in Pd-0.41.1-extended-20080225-ubuntu-gutsy --typo in path
eva sjuve
- [PD] Summer of Code 2008
Martin Eckart
- [PD] [PD-announce] [ann] LAC2008 -- The final countdown
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Summer of Code 2008
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] load abbreviated objects
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] ann_som users
B. Bogart
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
potax flan
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
simon wise
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
Jaime Oliver
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
_ Discos Invisibles
- [PD] Pduino and the AD5206 digital potentiometer
nick burge
- [PD] Summer of Code 2008
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
potax flan
- [PD] Pduino and the AD5206 digital potentiometer
marius schebella
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
potax flan
- [PD] [PD-announce] cat `hello process` > /dev/Workshop+Openlab+Lecture - March 2008 Groningen - NL
propaganda at goto10.org
- [PD] pix_crop arguments
marius schebella
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] [PD-announce] SPOR festival - Press release
SPOR festival
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
David Merrill
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
David Merrill
- [PD] [Fwd: Re: [OT] mini-ITX again]
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
David Merrill
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [GEM] UV map for model or vertex-array ??
- [PD] [PD-announce] New solar / magnetic sound art on You Tube
joe banks
- [PD] ann_som users
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] Midifile Object
Martin Peach
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again (Derek Holzer)
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again (Derek Holzer)
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Ultrasonic sensors & PD
raul diaz
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again
Derek Holzer
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again (Derek Holzer)
Ingo Scherzinger
- [PD] vbap on Pd-extended (osx)
potax flan
- [PD] [PD-announce] Workshop with Derek Holzer and Frank Barknecht 2.-6.4.2008 in Halle, Germany
Max Neupert
- [PD] Ultrasonic sensors & PD
marius schebella
- [PD] synchronised video outputs
B. Bogart
- [PD] Ultrasonic sensors & PD
- [PD] ann_som users
B. Bogart
- [PD] [OT] mini-ITX again (Derek Holzer)
- [PD] Ultrasonic sensors & PD
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] pix_resize
marius schebella
- [PD] [GEM] UV map for model or vertex-array ??
- [PD] vst~ object
Justin Robert
- [PD] Ultrasonic sensors & PD
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
marius schebella
- [PD] some new music written with PD
Max Waters
- [PD] hilbert~ troubles in Pd-extended?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Ann - Concert 7th March Hudds UK
Scott Hewitt
- [PD] some new music written with PD
Andy Farnell
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
chris clepper
- [PD] some new music written with PD
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Dudley Brooks
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
marius schebella
- [PD] Saving Gem output as video file on MacOSX ?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] Expr on Windows XP
David F. Place
Last message date:
Fri Feb 29 23:14:49 CET 2008
Archived on: Mon Jun 7 12:27:27 CEST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).