March 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Mar 1 00:13:21 CET 2005
Ending: Thu Mar 31 23:59:32 CEST 2005
Messages: 952
- [PD] number problem
- [PD] Found but *not* solved : Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
- [PD] Found but *not* solved : Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550 [headphone out fix]
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] Re: PDa update/buglist/comments
- [PD] Question about arrays on 64-bit
- [PD] Re: Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
- [PD] PDa update/buglist/comments
- [PD] Re: memory leak in pd debian package
- [PD] Re: controlling PDa
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- ALSA midi patch (Re: [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- ALSA midi patch (Re: [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- ALSA midi patch (Re: [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- ALSA midi patch (Re: [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- [PD] pdp/ffmpeg
- Guenter's model (was: Re: [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation)
- [PD] PDA suggestions
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
James Aldridge
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
James Aldridge
- [PD] GEM : How to create vertex dynamically? / drawing 3D lines?
Georges Babouche
- [PD] GEM : How to create vertex dynamically? / drawing 3D lines?
Georges Babouche
- [PD] system call timed out/ in channels
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [pmpd] - meaning of messages
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] use of 0$-
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] OSC latest external
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for 'list'
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] string manipulation
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PD and waveform~
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PD and waveform~
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] two |vcf~| questions
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PD 4 DOS
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
Frank Barknecht
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Interpolation in xgroove~
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Interpolation in xgroove~
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PD 4 DOS
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] using recorded positions as wave table
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Frank Barknecht
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Frank Barknecht
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Frank Barknecht
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Pismo/Quattro/PD endian-ness?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] (yet another) data structures tutorial
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] resizing a GOP-canvas
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] segmented patchcords, anyone?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] single vs dual vs 64
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Frank Barknecht
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] segmented patchcords, anyone?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Beginner
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Beginner
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Beginner
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Beginner
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] multi-colored arrays inside one table || zoomable tables ?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] multi-colored arrays inside one table || zoomable tables ?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] pd-datastruct newbie :-)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] pd-datastruct newbie :-)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] tables/graphs and how does RRADical get it's stuff to line up inside the tables?
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
Rob Bennett
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
Rob Bennett
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
Erich Berger
- [PD] allpass filters?
Michael Berkowski
- [PD] []
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] and supercollider
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] memory leak in pd debian package
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Re: memory leak in pd debian package
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Tim Blechmann
- ALSA midi patch (Re: [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Tim Blechmann
- ALSA midi patch (Re: [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] 0.38.4 devel: glitchy sound / load_object: Symbol "" not found
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] 0.38.4 devel: glitchy sound / load_object: Symbol "" not found
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] pas GOP, GOP
B. Bogart
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
B. Bogart
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
B. Bogart
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
B. Bogart
- [PD] FTDI 232 /245 module
B. Bogart
- [PD] FTDI 232 /245 module
B. Bogart
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
B. Bogart
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
B. Bogart
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
B. Bogart
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
B. Bogart
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
B. Bogart
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
B. Bogart
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
B. Bogart
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
B. Bogart
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
B. Bogart
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
B. Bogart
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
B. Bogart
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
B. Bogart
- [PD] [hid] - question
B. Bogart
- docs dir structure WAS Re: [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
B. Bogart
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
B. Bogart
- [PD] streaming with Gem
B. Bogart
- [PD] feedback control
B. Bogart
- [PD] GEM pix delay loop
B. Bogart
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
B. Bogart
- [PD] GEM pix delay loop
B. Bogart
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
B. Bogart
- [PD] newbie: can GEM output to a file?
B. Bogart
- [PD] [OT] Harware accelaration on ATI radeon 9000 (M9) for gem
B. Bogart
- [PD] using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?
B. Bogart
- [PD] more pix_write
B. Bogart
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
B. Bogart
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
B. Bogart
- [PD] PD in Vancouver?
B. Bogart
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
B. Bogart
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
B. Bogart
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
B. Bogart
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
B. Bogart
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
B. Bogart
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
B. Bogart
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
B. Bogart
- [PD] opening a subpatch with vis 1; message
B. Bogart
- [PD] Re: "py" and os.path
B. Bogart
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
B. Bogart
- [PD] useful abstractions from wrapping python scripts
B. Bogart
- [PD] GEM : How to create vertex dynamically? / drawing 3D lines?
B. Bogart
- Help Path Was: Re: [PD] path for gem help file (simple-basic question)
B. Bogart
- [PD] Win 2000 pix_video
B. Bogart
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
B. Bogart
- [PD] PD Repertoy Project info
B. Bogart
- [PD] pix_video odyssey: no method on 2 systems
B. Bogart
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
Marc Boon
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
Marc Boon
- [PD] dbtorms amplitude scaling sounds wrong
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] string manipulation
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] expr possible bug
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
Mathieu Bouchard
- wav64 (was Re: [PD] wav files on x64)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] number problem
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] number problem
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Re: Gridflow install issue...
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] VASP future
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] VASP future
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Prime limit sliders (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] multilayer perceptron
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] expr possible bug
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] expr possible bug
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] expr possible bug
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] PD Repertoy Project info
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] Mac OS X installer with library documentation
- [PD] History of PD development
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
- [PD] Where startup data is stored
- [PD] Re: Where startup data is stored
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
- [PD] [OT] 2x short notice, zurich
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
- [PD] Pismo/Quattro/PD endian-ness?
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
- [PD] PDa update/buglist/comments
- [PD] feedback control
- [PD] Writing Csound scores with PD
- [PD] Writing Csound scores with PD
- [PD] newbie: can GEM output to a file?
- [PD] [OT] Harware accelaration on ATI radeon 9000 (M9) for gem
- [PD] using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
- [PD] using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?
- [PD] Re: PD-list digest, Vol 1 #1841 - 14 msgs
- [PD] VASP future
- [PD] VASP future
- R: [PD] grid external
- [PD] and another SCAF on PPC?
- [PD] [gem] pix_film on linux
Andres Cabrera
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
Andres Cabrera
- [PD] [OT] Harware accelaration on ATI radeon 9000 (M9) for gem
Andres Cabrera
- [PD] [OT] Harware accelaration on ATI radeon 9000 (M9) for gem
Andres Cabrera
- [PD] Audio sustain?
Rodrigo Cadiz
- [PD] big windows crash in GEM
Owen Cartwright
- [PD] PD 4 DOS
Beau Casey
- [PD] History of PD development
Beau Casey
- [PD] simple annoyance in OS X
Rene Christen
- [PD] [hid] Segmentation fault
Lazzaro Nicolò Ciccolella
- [PD] [hid] Segmentation fault (errata c.)
Lazzaro Nicolò Ciccolella
- [PD] PD in Vancouver?
Miha Ciglar
- [PD] tables/graphs and how does RRADical get it's stuff to line up inside the tables?
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for \'list\'
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] cyclone
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] cyclone
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] cyclone
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] VASP future
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] VASP future
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] monophonic behavior...(again) how to get the lowest note?
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Krzysztof Czaja
- Guenter's model (was: Re: [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation)
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] basic OS x install problems
Gair Dunlop
- [PD] UCSD undergraduate projects....
Tom Erbe
- [PD] Windows/ASIO multichannel card?
Tom Erbe
- [PD] Loss of MIDI Connection [was: Writing Csound scores with PD]
William Fields
- [PD] cyclone
Orm Finnendahl
- [PD] cyclone
Orm Finnendahl
- [PD] activities in Warszawa
Orm Finnendahl
- [PD] resizing a GOP-canvas
Orm Finnendahl
- [PD] mispost
Orm Finnendahl
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] PD 0.38 and settings
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: pixelTANGO
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] useful abstractions from wrapping python scripts
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Windows/ASIO multichannel card?
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Robert Garvin
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Robert Garvin
- [PD] experiments in Boston...? Was: Re: how (many) are we
- [PD] [pmpd] - meaning of messages
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Thomas Grill
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Thomas Grill
- [PD] PD and waveform~
Thomas Grill
- [PD] multilayer perceptron
Thomas Grill
- [PD] PD and waveform~
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: make pool
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: make pool
Thomas Grill
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Interpolation in xgroove~
Thomas Grill
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Grill
- [PD] How to acquire the block size?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Thomas Grill
- [PD] VASP future
Thomas Grill
- py/pyext, was: Re: [PD] Re: [Vasp] VASP future
Thomas Grill
- [PD] VASP future
Thomas Grill
- [PD] VASP future
Thomas Grill
- py/pyext, was: Re: [PD] Re: [Vasp] VASP future
Thomas Grill
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: "py" and os.path
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: "py" and os.path
Thomas Grill
- [PD] University of Lueneburg audio workshop
Florian Grote
- [PD] PD and waveform~
Robert Gruendler
- [PD] [lp] how to get write permission as user
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] unexpected behaviour of [symbol2list]
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] allpass filters?
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] how to set window-size per msg
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] how to set window-size per msg
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] resizing an array with a $0-name
Roman Haefeli
- Fw: [PD] resizing a GOP-canvas
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] loadbang in dynamic abstractions
Roman Haefeli
- [PD] OT: Open source sequencer
John Harrison
- [PD] OT: Open source sequencer
John Harrison
- [PD] project
Scott Hildebrand
- [PD] <no subject>
Emanuel Hoisl
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] How to acquire the block size?
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] Windows/ASIO multichannel card?
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] Windows/ASIO multichannel card?
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] Beginner
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Beginner
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Beginner
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Beginner
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Beginner
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Prime limit sliders
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
Greg Joyce
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for (double entendre)
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] syncgrain~ for windows
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Christian Klippel
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
Christian Klippel
- [PD] Re: how
Christian Klippel
- [PD] [hid] - question
Christian Klippel
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Christian Klippel
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Christian Klippel
- [PD] (no subject)
Christian Klotz
- [PD] Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
Jacques Lav!gnotte
- [PD] Found but *not* solved : Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
Jacques Lav!gnotte
- [PD] Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
Jacques Lav!gnotte
- [PD] [OT] Some Pix from a Puredata Workshop
Jacques Lav!gnotte
- [PD] Best PD-GEM Performance Computer ... + wiki
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] Found but *not* solved : Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] 2D GUI / Tkzinc
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] Windows/ASIO multichannel card?
Piotr Majdak
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
David Marrs
- [PD] Web Interface w/ PD
David Marrs
- [PD] second order LPF with Q
Norbert Math
- [PD] pdb (was: using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?)
Norbert Math
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for 'list'
Alexandre Matheson
- [PD] netsend/netreceive
Alexandre Matheson
- [PD] PDA suggestions
Alexandre Matheson
- [PD] PDA suggestions
Alexandre Matheson
- [PD] and supercollider
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
- [PD] Re: Writing Csound scores with PD (Spencer Russell)
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Olaf Matthes
- [PD] storing pointers (in C) to other objects?
Olaf Matthes
- [PD] usb/dmx (again)
Olaf Matthes
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Olaf Matthes
- [PD] Re: WebCamera Input to GEM
David McCarthy
- [PD] multiple colour tracking with GEM?
David McCarthy
- [PD] Re: PD-list digest, Vol 1 #1813 - 7 msgs
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Re: PD-list digest, Vol 1 #1841 - 14 msgs
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Re: feedback
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Re: feedback
Chris McCormick
- [PD] [pdp] bitchvj not working
Igor Medeiros
- [PD] pdp/pidip video playback quicktime?
David Merrill
- [PD] FTDI 232 /245 module
David Merrill
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
Nicolas Montgermont
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
Nicolas Montgermont
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
Nicolas Montgermont
- [PD] [GEM] problems with pix
Davide Morelli
- [PD] [GEM] writing a single pixel data in a texture
Davide Morelli
- R: [PD] grid external
Davide Morelli
- R: [PD] syncgrain~ for windows
Davide Morelli
- R: [PD] syncgrain~ for windows
Davide Morelli
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
- [PD] [pdp] bitchvj not working
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- [PD] gem video mixing does not work as before?
Max Neupert
- [PD] Pd & a lighting console
Max Neupert
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Max Neupert
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Max Neupert
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Max Neupert
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
Max Neupert
- make pool (was: [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile)
Max Neupert
- [PD] Re: make pool
Max Neupert
- [PD] netsend/netreceive
Max Neupert
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
Max Neupert
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
Max Neupert
- [PD] / offline
Max Neupert
- [PD] usb/dmx (again)
Max Neupert
- [PD] using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?
Max Neupert
- [PD] using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?
Max Neupert
- [PD] using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?
Max Neupert
- [PD] pdb (was: using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?)
Max Neupert
- [PD] [OT] noise in nyc
John Nowak
- [PD] opening a subpatch with vis 1; message
Tati de la O
- [PD] opening a subpatch with vis 1; message
Tati de la O
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Chris O'Shea
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Chris O'Shea
- [PD] experiments in Boston...? Was: Re: how (many) are we
David O'Toole
- [PD] [pdp] bitchvj not working
- [PD] grid external
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] Writing Csound scores with PD
Martin Peach
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Martin Peach
- [PD] allpass filters?
Julian Peterson
- [PD] sending 'vnext 0' to pointer
Miller Puckette
- [PD] single vs dual vs 64
Miller Puckette
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Miller Puckette
- [PD] pd-datastruct newbie :-)
Alexandre Quessy
- [PD] Best PD-GEM Performance Computer ... + wiki
Winfried Ritsch
- [PD] Best PD-GEM Performance Computer ... + wiki
Winfried Ritsch
- [PD] Best PD-GEM Performance Computer ... + wiki
Winfried Ritsch
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
Winfried Ritsch
- [PD] feedback control
Spencer Russell
- [PD] feedback control
Spencer Russell
- [PD] Writing Csound scores with PD
Spencer Russell
- [PD] Writing Csound scores with PD
Spencer Russell
- [PD] Writing Csound scores with PD
Spencer Russell
- [PD] Loss of MIDI Connection [was: Writing Csound scores with PD]
Spencer Russell
- [PD] pdp-pidip:recording to video files
Bill Sack
- [PD] Interpolating to a higher sample frequency
Niklas Saers
- [PD] Interpolating to a higher sample frequency
Niklas Saers
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Joseph A. Sarlo
- [PD] PD 4 DOS
Marius Schebella
Tom Schouten
- [PD] question about video playback, Framestein
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness (the patch)
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
Thoralf Schulze
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] segmented patch cords - tunnel?
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] feedback control
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] GEM pix delay loop
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] Win 2000 pix_video
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] PD Repertoy Project info
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] PD Repertoy Project info
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] experiments in Boston...? Was: Re: how (many) are we
Matthew Shanley
- [PD] and supercollider
Eric Skogen
- [PD] install GEM osx 10.3.8
Wesley Smith
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] and supercollider
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] PD-workshop at
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] plugin~ [print] doesn't work anymore
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Ian Smith-Heisters
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Resonant LP,HP,BP filters?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Web Interface w/ PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] number problem
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] number problem
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] [hid] - question
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] GEM pix delay loop
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] feedback control
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] GEM pix delay loop
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] GEM pix delay loop
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] VASP future
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] segmented patchcords, anyone?
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Gem 0.90.1 pix_film filesize
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] [GEM] pix_video, Win 2000, Matrox
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] [GEM] pix_video, Win 2000, Matrox
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Win 2000 pix_video
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Win 2000 pix_video
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Win 2000 pix_video
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] pix_video odyssey: no method on 2 systems
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] pix_video odyssey: no method on 2 systems
Ian Smith-Heisters
- [PD] Re: how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD]
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] Resonant LP,HP,BP filters?
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] Audio sustain?
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] Re: Beginner
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] whisper filtering and fft
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] pas GOP, GOP
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] keyboard-interface (hid?)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] joystick and osx
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] audio to visual art
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] netsend/netreceive
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PD 0.38 and settings
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PD 0.38 and settings
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [hid] - question
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [hid] - question
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] History of PD development
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- docs dir structure WAS Re: [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd Meeting @ Share
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PD in Vancouver?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PD Meetup NYC: April 3rd at Share
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PD NYC Meetup Sunday April 3rd.. quick questions..
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Where startup data is stored
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] segmented patchcords, anyone?
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Beginner
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] abstractions distro
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] use of 0$-
Josh Steiner
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
Josh Steiner
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Josh Steiner
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Josh Steiner
- [PD] segmented patchcords, anyone?
Josh Steiner
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
Josh Steiner
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
Malte Steiner
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
Malte Steiner
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
Malte Steiner
- [PD] Re: controlling robots/printers w/ PD
Phil Stone
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
Pall Thayer
- [PD] basic OS x install problems
Pall Thayer
- [PD] VERY strange OSX PDP install problem
Pall Thayer
Pall Thayer
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
Pall Thayer
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
Stefan Tiedje
- [PD] How to acquire the block size?
Miikka Tikander
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
Peter Todd
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Paris Treantafeles
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] Pd Meeting @ Share
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] PD NYC Meetup Sunday April 3rd.. quick questions..
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] newbie: can GEM output to a file?
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] newbie: can GEM output to a file?
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] PD Meetup NYC: April 3rd at Share
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] UCSD undergraduate projects....
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] Re: Mac OS X installer with library documentation
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] Beginner
Paris Treantafeles
- [PD] dbtorms amplitude scaling sounds wrong
Stefan Turner
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Riccardo Visinoni
- [PD] wacom intuos & PD
Riccardo Visinoni
- [PD] Re: Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
Rene Wagner
- [PD] Re: Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
Rene Wagner
- [PD] Re: Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
Rene Wagner
- [PD] Re: Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
Rene Wagner
- [PD] PDA suggestions
Rene Wagner
- [PD] PDA suggestions
Rene Wagner
- [PD] PDA suggestions
Rene Wagner
- [PD] simple annoyance in OS X
Nicholas Ward
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
Anton Woldhek
- [PD] storing pointers (in C) to other objects?
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] storing pointers (in C) to other objects?
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] installing gem truetype
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] earplug hrtf data loading error
Pei Xiang
- [PD] korg micro kontrol/ linux/ pd
Matthew Yee-King
- [PD] installing gem truetype
Ales Zemene
- [PD] installing gem truetype
Ales Zemene
- [PD] tutu
Johannes M Zmoelnig
- [PD] FTDI 232 /245 module
mike2005 at
- [PD] Where can I get the lbyl object?
mike2005 at
- [PD] capture avi
beau25 at
- [PD] gem video mixing does not work as before?
beau25 at
- [PD] PD 4 DOS
beau25 at
- [PD] [GEM] problems with pix
yasmin ahmad
- [PD] [GEM] problems with pix
yasmin ahmad
- [pd] pd-0.38.4 and jack osx
retu arana
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
retu arana
- [PD] creb installation problems
retu arana
- [PD] feedback control
adam armfield
- [PD] Beginner
adam armfield
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
brendan asselstine
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
brendan asselstine
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
- [PD] readanysf~: use two versions of Flext?
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
robertgarvin at
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
robertgarvin at
- [PD] audio to visual art
robertgarvin at
- [PD] feedback control
robertgarvin at
- [PD] feedback control
robertgarvin at
- [PD] help w/ downloaded externs..
robertgarvin at
- [PD] controlling robots/printers w/ PD
robertgarvin at
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
tom berger
- [PD] whisper filtering and fft
tom berger
- [PD] single vs dual vs 64
manolo cabezabolo
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
- [PD] multilayer perceptron
pun chik
- [PD] which codec does pdp_qt support?
pun chik
- [PD] detecting bpms in mp3s
pun chik
- [PD] using recorded positions as wave table
pun chik
- [PD] openlab london gig - 1st April - opensource foolishness
- [PD] path for gem help file (simple-basic question)
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
chris clepper
- [PD] Gem fullscreen bug.
chris clepper
- [PD] Gem fullscreen bug.
chris clepper
- [PD] Best PD-GEM Performance Computer ... + wiki
chris clepper
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
chris clepper
- [PD] Re: WebCamera Input to GEM
chris clepper
- [PD] single vs dual vs 64
chris clepper
- [PD] Gem : pix_image / pix_texture memory leak
chris clepper
- [PD] Win 2000 pix_video
chris clepper
- [PD] pix_video odyssey: no method on 2 systems
chris clepper
- [PD] [pmpd] - meaning of messages
- [PD] [pmpd] - meaning of messages
- [PD] [pmpd] - meaning of messages
- [pd] simple routing object
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
- [PD] new pmpd developer
- [PD] new pmpd developer
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
- [PD] new pmpd developer
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
- CPU usage of data structures [was: Re: [PD] Re: new pmpd developer]
- [PD] PMPD Editor version 0.001gamma
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
- [PD] small bug with audio dialog
- [PD] Gem : pix_image / pix_texture memory leak
- [PD] Gem : pix_image / pix_texture memory leak
- [PD] GEM : How to create vertex dynamically? / drawing 3D lines?
- [PD] use of 0$-
- [PD] searching pd-list
- [PD] VASP future
- [PD] VASP future
- [PD] call for danish pd lad
jon draeby
- [PD] resizing an array with a $0-name
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
nexyufuli evo
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
- [PD] Segmented patch chords?
- [PD] stack component
- [PD] monophonic behavior...(again) how to get the lowest note?
- [PD] monophonic behavior...(again) how to get the lowest note?
- [PD] external: notehigh, notelow
- [PD] monophonic behavior...(again) how to get the lowest note?
- [PD] pd-datastruct newbie :-)
- [PD] pd-datastruct newbie :-)
- [PD] pd-datastruct newbie :-)
- [PD] ¨msgfile" object problem on OSX
enrique franco
- [PD] streaming with Gem
sl1200mk2 at
- [PD] pdp/pidip video playback quicktime?
ydegoyon at
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
ydegoyon at
- [PD] pdp-pidip:recording to video files
ydegoyon at
- R: [PD] grid external
ydegoyon at
- [PD] pdp/ffmpeg
ydegoyon at
- [PD] Re:ffmpeg~/pdp
ydegoyon at
- [PD] string manipulation
david golightly
- [PD] allpass filters?
david golightly
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
david golightly
- [PD] syncgrain~ for windows
david golightly
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] Electronic music book, chapter 8 available
andy graybeal
- [PD] multi-colored arrays inside one table || zoomable tables ?
andy graybeal
- [PD] multi-colored arrays inside one table || zoomable tables ?
andy graybeal
- [PD] [biquad~] and [equalizer] and unity?
andy graybeal
- [PD] tables/graphs and how does RRADical get it's stuff to line up inside the tables?
andy graybeal
- [PD] tables/graphs and how does RRADical get it's stuff to line up inside the tables?
andy graybeal
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
derek holzer
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
derek holzer
- [PD] basic OS x install problems
derek holzer
- [PD] how to do a http request from pd to a webserver and get the results
derek holzer
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
derek holzer
- [PD] storing and recalling settings with textfile
derek holzer
- [PD] VERY strange OSX PDP install problem
derek holzer
- [PD] Re:Girbaud fashion show video (using PD/Gem)
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: [PD-announce] PD-workshop at
derek holzer
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
derek holzer
- [PD] resizing an array with a $0-name
derek holzer
- [PD] PD 4 DOS
derek holzer
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550 [headphone out fix]
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: PDa on HP IPAQ 5550
derek holzer
- remote X11 forwarding (WAS: Re: [PD] PDa on HP IPAQ 5550)
derek holzer
- [PD] pd on shared linux server
derek holzer
- [PD] PDa update/buglist/comments
derek holzer
- [PD] Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
derek holzer
- [PD] controlling PDa
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: Familiar + PDa on h5550: audio/hardware details
derek holzer
- [PD] PDA suggestions
derek holzer
- [PD] PDA suggestions
derek holzer
- [PD] pdp/ffmpeg
dafydd hughes
- [PD] Re:ffmpeg~/pdp
dafydd hughes
- [PD] big windows crash in GEM
zmoelnig at
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
matthew jones
- [PD] feedback control
matthew jones
- [PD] feedback control
matthew jones
- [PD] monophonic behavior...(again) how to get the lowest note?
matthew jones
- [PD] make Spaceball FLX3003 work with PD-GEM /WinXP
andrej jungnickel
- [PD] render avi.?
manuel knapp
- [PD] capture avi
manuel knapp
- [PD] searching pd-list
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
- [PD] Beginner
- [PD] sending 'vnext 0' to pointer
ggkarman at
- [PD] (yet another) data structures tutorial
ggkarman at
- [PD] (yet another) data structures tutorial
ggkarman at
- [PD] Loss of MIDI Connection
ggkarman at
- [PD] PD Repertoy Project info
ggkarman at
- [PD] PD Repertoy Project info
ggkarman at
- [PD] gem - light
- [PD] [hid] - question
- [PD] number problem
- [PD] number problem
- [PD] number problem
- [PD] usb/dmx (again)
- [PD] usb/dmx (again)
- [pd] simple routing object
hard off
- [pd] simple routing object
- [PD] pdb
- [PD] which codec does pdp_qt support?
- [PD] FTM 1.4.1 for PD?
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
- [PD] plugin~ [print] doesn't work anymore
- [PD] which codec does pdp_qt support?
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
- [PD] 0.38.4 devel: glitchy sound / load_object: Symbol "" not found
- [PD] 0.38.4 devel: glitchy sound / load_object: Symbol "" not found
- [PD] OpenAL with Pd? ...similar to Gem?
martin pichlmair
- [PD] which codec does pdp_qt support?
martin pichlmair
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
martin pichlmair
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
martin pichlmair
- [PD] earplug hrtf data loading error
peter plessas
- [PD] earplug hrtf data loading error
peter plessas
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
ix at
- [PD] OSC latest external
ix at
- [PD] PD compile on Mac Pismo?
ix at
- [PD] string manipulation
ix at
- [PD] colored/swooping cables
ix at
- [PD] Fwd: 0.38 and settings
ix at
- [PD] pdb (was: using the powerbook motion sensor in pd?)
ix at
- [PD] stack component
ix at
- R: [PD] grid external
ix at
- [PD] OT: Open source sequencer
ix at
- [PD] []
vincent rioux
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
vincent rioux
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
vincent rioux
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
vincent rioux
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
vincent rioux
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
vincent rioux
- [PD] devel_0.38 pb loading externals?
vincent rioux
- [PD] joystick and osx
vincent rioux
- [PD] and supercollider
vincent rioux
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
vincent rioux
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
vincent rioux
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
vincent rioux
- [PD] [OT] Some Pix from a Puredata Workshop
vincent rioux
- [PD] 2D GUI / Tkzinc
vincent rioux
- [PD] number problem
- [PD] Mac OS X installer with library documentation
- [PD] install GEM osx 10.3.8
- [PD] install GEM osx 10.3.8
- [PD] [hid] - question
justin c. rounds
- [PD] Newb: Problems cutting connections in edit mode
justin c. rounds
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
justin c. rounds
- [PD] capture avi
wolfgang schwarzenbrunner
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
wolfgang schwarzenbrunner
- [PD] parent-child relation with sliders
wolfgang schwarzenbrunner
- [PD] Pd & a lighting console
wolfgang schwarzenbrunner
- [PD] [GEM] problems with pix
wolfgang schwarzenbrunner
- [PD] Gem : pix_image / pix_texture memory leak
wolfgang schwarzenbrunner
- wav64 (was Re: [PD] wav files on x64)
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
- [PD] Re: new pmpd developer
- [PD] pdp/pidip video playback quicktime?
- [PD] pdp/pidip video playback quicktime?
- [PD] PD/Audio in redhat or suse
- [PD] VERY strange OSX PDP install problem
- [PD] FTDI 232 /245 module
- [PD] Re: WebCamera Input to GEM
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
- [PD] feedback control
- [PD] feedback control
- [PD] feedback control
- [PD] Re: [Vasp] VASP future
- py/pyext, was: Re: [PD] Re: [Vasp] VASP future
- [PD] VASP future
- [Vasp] Re: [PD] VASP future
- [PD] tätärätä!!!
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
- [PD] Re: [linux-audio-user] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for \'list\'
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for \'list\'
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
- [PD] Repairing wav files written by pd 64bit
- [PD] IEMLIB on x86_64
- [PD] IEMLIB on x86_64
- [PD] IEMLIB on x86_64
- [PD] Question about arrays on 64-bit
- [PD] two |vcf~| questions
julien.breval at
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
julien.breval at
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
julien.breval at
- [PD] more |vcf~| things
julien.breval at
- [PD] |switch~|: time question
julien.breval at
- [PD] best linux system for using Pd just now
julien.breval at
- [PD] Audio sustain?
chris tyrrell
- [PD] Mail Delivery (failure pd-list at
d.casal at
- [PD] Gem fullscreen bug.
- [PD] Gem fullscreen bug.
- [PD] OSC latest external
- [PD] OSC latest external
- [PD] VERY strange OSX PDP install problem
- [PD] multipoint touchscreen
- how (many) are we [was: Re: [PD] Segmented patch chords?]
- [PD] Pd Meeting @ Share
- [PD] PD NYC Meetup Sunday April 3rd.. quick questions..
- [PD] PD Meetup NYC: April 3rd at Share
- Fwd: [PD] GEM pix delay loop
- [PD] "Done with Pd"-PR for
- [PD] Best PD-GEM Performance Computer ... + wiki
- [PD] Error at 'pd' startup : bad option "map": must be compare, first, index, last, length, match,
- [PD] PD compile on Mac Pismo?
- [PD] PD compile on Mac Pismo SOLVED
- [PD] Pismo/Quattro/PD endian-ness?
- [PD] Gridflow install issue...
- [PD] Gridflow install issue...
- [PD] Re: Gridflow install issue...
- [PD] 3dp install dependencies
- [PD] and another SCAF on PPC?
- [PD] and another SCAF on PPC?
- [PD] 3dp install dependencies
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
simon wise
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
simon wise
- [PD] $1, message objects and pdsend
simon wise
- [PD] pix_write
- [PD] more pix_write
- [PD] Re: how
folio.function.modification.implement at
- [PD] Gem antialiasing
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for 'list'
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] gem - light
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] capture avi
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for \'list\'
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] gem - pix_buffer strangeness
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] error: inlet: no method for \'list\'
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] resizing an array with a $0-name
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] Interpolating to a higher sample frequency
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] [GEM] problems with pix
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] searching pd-list
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] IEMLIB on x86_64
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] gem & cinepak video on linux
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] video tracking how advanced?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] streaming with Gem
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] multiple_window feature of Gem?
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pix_write
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] tutu
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] path for gem help file (simple-basic question)
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] pix_video odyssey: no method on 2 systems
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] second order LPF with Q
- Iemlib (was: Re: [PD] second order LPF with Q)
- Iemlib (was: Re: [PD] second order LPF with Q)
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 23:59:32 CEST 2005
Archived on: Mon Jun 7 12:25:43 CEST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).