November 2005 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Nov 1 01:47:04 CET 2005
Ending: Wed Nov 30 22:42:39 CET 2005
Messages: 1234
- [PD] max msp vs pd
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] os x performance optimization for a pd-installation
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] pd macosx
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Usb lights
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Usb lights
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [vbap] crash on Mac OS X
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Data structures
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] max msp vs pd
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] freeverb and multiverb
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd packaging on osx was: Re: [PD-announce] [osx] pd++0.39-1Beta available
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Data Structures feature request
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Data structures
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] ascseq reverse
- [PD] [list]-abs now also in CVS
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] max msp vs pd
Thomas Grill
- [PD] max msp vs pd
Thomas Grill
- [PD] peakit~ (was binline~) v0.1
Ed Kelly
- [PD] CarnivorePE and Pure Data
Owen Cartwright
- [PD] vline_exp~ external (?) + poll
- [PD] something like this ....
Matthew Williams
- [PD] Netsend and other dataflow languages
Alexandre Quessy
- [PD] GEM: Nembie question
- [PD] pool disappears
Gerda Strobl
- [PD] RFC: "list split" abstraction for negative indices
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] [list]-abs
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] bugs in nbx and toggle
- [pd]triggering messages with audio
- [PD] Where can I get apctl?
Luke Yelavich
- [PD] [netpd] everybody is invited to join the collaborative music-project
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] changing color of canvas dinamically
matias kapo
- [PD] [netpd] everybody is invited to join the collaborative music-project
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] [netpd] everybody is invited to join the collaborative music-project
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Messages in an external
Piotr Majdak
- [PD] Gem message decoding
Brad Kligerman
- [PD] Pd stucks: how to debug?
Piotr Majdak
- [PD] atari_2600 external
samuraiskillz at
- [PD] gatom length and osx problems
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Pd tutorials!
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] shell and makesymbol
Ed Kelly
- [PD] sound controlled color change
robertgarvin at
- [PD] bng - [t s] - print -> crash
Enrique Erne
- [PD] pd eating memory
Enrique Erne
- [PD] sound controlled color change
robertgarvin at
- [PD] again: is midiout broken in pd-0.39-1?
- [PD] again: is midiout broken in pd-0.39-1?
- [PD] [GEM] pix_video error on Athlon64
Drew Browning
- [PD] Building a counter problem
Brad Kligerman
- [PD] [GEM] pix_video error on Athlon64
Drew Browning
- [PD] Building a counter problem
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] flext glibc double free or corruption
Johannes Burström
- [PD] [GEM] pix_video error on Athlon64
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Pd tutorials!
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd tutorials!
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] getting the name of the current or parent patch
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] .pdrc in osx
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Re: .pdrc on osx
Ed Kelly
- [PD] gui problem in pd-0.39-1test1
Ales Zemene
- [PD] guitarplug crashes PD
Benjamin Brown
- [PD] pyext + pygresql vs sqlsingle
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] basic DSP stuff
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] targetting a specific abstraction for "vis 1"
Mike Wozniewski
- [PD] basic DSP stuff
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] basic DSP stuff
David Powers
- [PD] Re: PD-list Digest, Vol 8, Issue 34
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] Re: PD-list Digest, Vol 8, Issue 34
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] basic DSP stuff
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] announce: PHP package Net_DataFlow
Alexandre Quessy
- [PD] pool disappears
Thomas Grill
- [PD] clearing a subpatch on exit?
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] PD OSX packaging redux
David Plans Casal
- [PD] PD OSX packaging redux
- [PD] cdf---oops
pete mcpartlan
- [PD] PD OSX packaging redux
- [PD] number to symbol
- [PD] midi..
- [PD] rradical
- [PD] cumulative distribution?
pete mcpartlan
- [PD] .pdrc in osx
Ed Kelly
- Fwd: Re: [PD] pidip - compiler output - ???
Ed Kelly
- [PD] another pd question
- [PD] sound controlled color change
robertgarvin at
- [PD] dsp control GUI object
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] ANN: dssi~ 0.4alpha available
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] GUI freeze
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] gui stuff
Thoralf Schulze
- [PD] old process still running
Ed Kelly
- [PD] midiout broken
Jamie Bullock
- [PD] .pdrc or org.puredata.pd.plist
Ed Kelly
- [PD] (no subject)
- [PD] gui stuff
- [PD] basic DSP stuff
cyborgk at
- [PD] osc~ compilation errors
- [PD] Gem cursor 0 under os x not working? +
- [PD] basic DSP stuff
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] GEM pix_movie crash
Phillip Stearns
- [PD] GUI freeze
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] clearing a subpatch on exit?
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] rradical
- [PD] notes about pd, pdp and pidip from cvs under ubuntu 5.10 breezy badger
Andre Schmidt
- Fwd: [PD] basic DSP stuff
Charles Henry
- [PD] max msp vs pd
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] fluid~ (and footils in general)
Jason Plumb
- [PD] HTTP query
Alexandre Quessy
- [PD] rradical
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] rradical
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: fluid~ (and footils in general)
Jason Plumb
- [PD] message queue
B. Bogart
- [PD] externals link error
Juan Aboites
- [PD] midi .smf files in PD
- [PD] Gem : Fullscreen on a MINI in OSX
- [PD] max msp vs pd
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] max msp vs pd
- [PD] max msp vs pd
- [PD] midi .smf files in PD
- [PD] max msp vs pd
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] [OT] event: OpenLab OpenDay
- [PD] flash/pd
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] PeRColate?
- [PD] pd, bitmap-fonts and linux
Andre Schmidt
- [PD] slim down strategies (limit a message stream)
Patrick Valiquet
- [PD] max msp vs pd
- [PD] slim down strategies (limit a message stream)
Patrick Valiquet
- [PD] osx edit mode bang
adam armfield
- [PD] dynamic array names
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] MIDI to RGB
- [PD] midi input latency with Gem
- [PD] MIDI to RGB
- [PD] Isolate numbers
timon botez
- [PD] dsp control GUI object
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] laptop linux
Ed Kelly
- [PD] about data structures
- [Fwd: Re: [PD] laptop linux]
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] Laptop linux
Ed Kelly
- [PD] Austin, TX
Ed Kelly
- [PD] laptop linux
Patrick Valiquet
- [PD] sIgpAck library???
David Powers
- [PD] about data structures
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] max msp vs pd
- [PD] MIDI to RGB
- [PD] Gui parameter query
- [PD] about data structures
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
ian campbell
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Christian Klippel
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Martin Peach
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Marc Lavallée
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Frank Barknecht
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Frank Barknecht
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
günter geiger
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Tim Blechmann
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Frank Barknecht
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Mathieu Bouchard
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Thomas Grill
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Thomas Grill
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Martin Peach
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Marc Lavallée
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Martin Peach
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Thomas Grill
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Martin Peach
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Thomas Grill
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Mathieu Bouchard
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Mathieu Bouchard
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Georg Holzmann
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Tim Blechmann
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Tim Blechmann
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Thomas Grill
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
derek holzer
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
günter geiger
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
günter geiger
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Krzysztof Czaja
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd
Mathieu Bouchard
- purepd WAS: Re: [PD] comport and bascom avr / ascii2any
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Pd mode for Emacs
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Automated object/message/etc creation
Chuckk Hubbard
- [PD] PD and latency on kernel
- [PD] joystick-based interactive musical instruments..
David Merrill
- [PD] pd and (analog)-telephons
moritz w.
- [PD] pd, jackd and connections
Lazzaro Nicolò Ciccolella
- [PD] Waveguide Modeling with [z~]
Spencer Russell
- [PD] maybe OT ? osX joystick interface software
hard off
- [PD] Problems loading pdp on OSX
enrique franco
- [PD] PD Documentation/Curriculum Meeting
B. Bogart
- [PD] Binaries for OsX
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] scrolllist 0.1
Yves Degoyon
- [PD] scrolllist 0.1
day 5
- [PD] scrolllist 0.1
day 5
- [PD] dyn~ problem
Brad Kligerman
- [PD] [BUG][alsamidi] no alsamidi init with -alsamidi switch
- [PD] IRQ conflicts, acpi, and linux audio
- [PD] Re: [PD-dev] msd and gcc4
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] vorbis_info_clear?? (Gem / linux)
jake elliott
- [PD] osc-pd on win32
Jeremy Giordano
- [PD] plugin~
- [PD] PD Documentation/Curriculum Meeting
B. Bogart
- [PD] AMD64-dualcore benefits?
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] threadlib
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] sndfiler - threaded soundfiler
Georg Holzmann
- [PD] tracking the position of a repeated form in gem
matias kapo
- [PD] Equation question
day 5
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Chris McCormick
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Kyle Klipowicz
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Chris McCormick
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
günter geiger
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
B. Bogart
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Arie van Schutterhoef
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] OSC in pd canonical (was Re: Re: pure == slow, impure == fast ? was purepd)
Frank Barknecht
- [pd] OS X Makefiles
david golightly
- [PD] waveshaping with a lookup table (idiot question)
james holden
- [PD] OSX 10.3.x pd installer supporting pdp
enrique franco
- [PD] Released
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] waveshaping with a lookup table (idiot question)
Michael Berkowski
- [PD] Re: multiblob tracking in pd?
Chris McCormick
- [PD] leaky noise patch
hard off
- [PD] PD Documentation Meeting / Notes
B. Bogart
- [PD] pd font finetuning with tk scaling ?
Andre Schmidt
- [PD] zexy and
- [PD] Pd-0.38.4-extendedRC4 for Windows and Mac OS X
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] nosferatu namespaces (was: zexy and Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC3.ap p)
- [PD] nosferatu namespaces (was: zexy and Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC3.ap p)
- [PD] Second video card suggestions
Patrick Pagano
- [PD] midi problems on Ubuntu
Carl Najafi
- [PD] midi problems on Ubuntu
Patrick Valiquet
- [PD] nosferatu namespaces (was: zexy and Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC3.ap p)
- [PD] thomas' loader plus libdir
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] PDDP Template 7c (for reference documents)
B. Bogart
- [PD] tk scaling test 1
Andre Schmidt
- [PD] about [prepend] on osx
- [PD] graphics card
- [PD] [Gem] undefined symbol: vorbis_info_clear
- [PD] Still need help with setting up PD as VSTi
- [PD] Still need help with setting up PD as VSTi
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
alexandre matheson
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
alexandre matheson
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
dafydd hughes
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
Alexandre Matheson
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
dafydd hughes
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
IOhannes m zmoelnig
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
alexandre matheson
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] data structures again, sorry
Frank Barknecht
- [PD] concert setup question
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] Canvas editor patch 2
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] pd setup on G5 + Digi 002
João Miguel Pais
- [PD] Re: Compiling Gem on debian 64
- [PD] Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC5 released
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- Fwd: Re: [PD] pd setup on G5 + Digi 002
jef chippewa
- Fwd: Re: [PD] pd setup on G5 + Digi 002
chris clepper
- [PD] Pd-extended Build System is ready for the public
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] GOP in subpatch
- Fwd: Re: [PD] pd setup on G5 + Digi 002
chris clepper
- [PD] OSC in canonical
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Re: [PD-dev] GOP in subpatch
- [PD] Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC5 for GNU/Linux released
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] flashserver
Nicholas Ward
- [PD] [OT] Edirol FA-101 under Linux
Stefan Turner
- [PD] OSX - Send PD messages from Terminal?
Ryan Supak
- [PD] laptop linux
Ed Kelly
- [PD] TOT + HAMMER crash resolved
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] Re: missing libs in Windows Pd-extended
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Pd-extended Build System is ready for the public
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Gem, speed of video
Thomas Ouellet Fredericks
- [PD] help with rfft~
- [PD] help with rfft~
Stefan Turner
- [PD] true-type-font versus bitmap-font
Andre Schmidt
- [PD] help with rfft~
Stefan Turner
- [PD] Re: true-type-font versus bitmap-font
Jason Plumb
- [PD] pd patch for profiling
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: [OT] Edirol FA-101 under Linux
Stefan Turner
- [PD] PDDP Meeting Notes - November 29th 2005
B. Bogart
- [PD] help with rfft~
Stefan Turner
- [PD] Re: [OT] Edirol FA-101 under Linux
Stefan Turner
- [PD] Call for PDDP Sketches
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] help with rfft~ (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] Radeon 9800 for mac
Pat Pagano
- [PD] Re: [OT] Edirol FA-101 under Linux
José Henrique Padovani
- [PD] PDDP all about template sketch
Hans-Christoph Steiner
- [PD] Re: scrolllist 0.1
Chris McCormick
- [PD] Re: [OT] Edirol FA-101 under Linux
Chris McCormick
- [PD] help with rfft~ (fwd)
Mathieu Bouchard
- [PD] GEM:discribe position of model with 2 points
- [PD] The Party at the Center of the Universe
megalegoland at
- [PD] 3d modulation sources for Synthesis
day 5
- [PD] Radeon 9800 for mac
- [PD] [Gem] Alpha: transparency only in one direction?
Roman Haefeli
Last message date:
Wed Nov 30 22:42:39 CET 2005
Archived on: Mon Jun 7 12:25:57 CEST 2010
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